Who knew that ancient Egypt was full of mysteries and weird facts that continue to puzzle people to this very day?
An empty tomb, yet a groundbreaking find – archaeologists in Egypt have uncovered the tomb of Thutmose II, a ruler ...
The pharaoh's resting place remained subject of speculation for generations, but a team led by Piers Litherland at the ...
Over a century after the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb, British Egyptologists have made another groundbreaking find.
The find of the tomb of Thutmose II is the first discovery its kind since Tutankhamun was located more than 100 years ago.
The new Giza attraction may be several years overdue, but there’ll never be a better reason to book your next holiday to ...
Nefertiti is one of the most fascinating Egyptian rulers in history. She was a queen, but also a priestess - and might have even been a pharaoh. She and her husband, Amenhotep IV (AKA Akhenaten), ...
An Egyptian-British archaeological mission has found the tomb of King Thutmose II, who ruled ancient Egypt about 3,500 years ...