they fish, they hunt, they feast, they dance." Seal hunting in Glacier Bay in 1899. Click image for a larger view. In Alaska today, subsistence continues to be an important practice. Local foods ...
A predator-control program in Western Alaska, recently ruled unconstitutional, is needed to boost the ailing Mulchatna ...
The board’s action allows the Department of Fish and Game to continue killing bears and wolves for a third season in the ...
Facing potential endangered species status for Gulf of Alaska king salmon, Alaska Fish and Game is rolling out fishing ...
The unpredictable availability of salmon and other fish is putting additional pressures on the subsistence rights of Alaska Natives.
Alaska wildlife officials push to continue its aerial predator-control program despite a court ruling that says the program ...
"I was in that generation that was still hunting and fishing and living in sod tents ... Willie Hensley, former president, Alaska Federation of Natives. Willie Hensley, 2013.
Residents benefit from reduced-cost hunting and fishing licenses, allowing them to access Alaska's abundant natural resources at a lower cost than non-residents. Specific actions can disqualify an ...