Air Force Lt. Gen. Dagvin Anderson and Combined Arms Center-Training Deputy Commanding General Brig. Gen. Jeremy Wilson ...
In a real-world scenario on the Korean Peninsula, the U.S. Army Medical Materiel Center-Korea serves as a major ...
ESG – tri nenápadné písmená, za ktorými sa skrývajú veľké veci. Pre niekoho povinnosť, pre iného prirodzená snaha o ...
BRATISLAVA. Ochrana prírody a ekonomický zisk z lesov nemusia stáť proti sebe. Podľa Iniciatívy My sme les a občianskeho združenia Prales to ukazuje aj ich analýza kompenzácií za obmedzenie obhospodar ...
Porota v Južnej Karolíne priznala 700 miliónov dolárov ( 642,8 mil. eur) rodine 17-ročnej Brittanee Drexelovej, ktorú uniesli a zavraždili počas jarných prázdnin v roku 2009 v Myrtle Beach. Rozsudok ...
Just before former President Rodrigo Duterte was taken into the International Criminal Court’s custody, he seemed to accept his fate, saying he would “take accountability for everything.” ...
Just before former President Rodrigo Duterte was taken into the International Criminal Court’s custody, he seemed to accept ...
FORMER President Rodrigo Duterte assured his supporters that he is okay in the first video message since he was whisked in a ...
FPRRD has issued a statement, through a video, to his supporters back home in the Philippines. He assured Philippine military ...
FORMER President Rodrigo Duterte said Filipinos need not worry, assuring that he is in good condition even following his ...
Former President Rodrigo Duterte has reiterated his previous promise that he will face calls for accountability on behalf of the law enforcers who implemented his bloody war against illegal drugs. In ...
Former President Rodrigo Duterte released a video message on Thursday, March 13, assuring Filipinos that he is doing fine.