13. -- BULLIONS, Rev. PETER ... was accidentally drowned while in their service, in the Potomac River. He was a native of Vermont, and was 60 years of age. 8. -- THAXTER, A.
Long before George Washington went down in history as an American founding father, highest-ranking military leader and the first President of the United States, he found himself forced to surrender ...
A fascinating new photography project takes viewers on a poignant journey through African American material culture, using objects found in the libraries, museums, and archives of the original ...
The American Airlines plane and helicopter collision is sparking memories of the deadly 1982 Potomac River crash.
Air crash investigations can take months, and federal investigators told reporters they would not speculate on the cause.
That response prompted an impassioned response from Plaskett. "This body, and this nation, has a territories and a colonies problem," she said, prompting some Democrats to give a standing ovation.
Warning: Viewer discretion is advised. Video above shows plane collide with helicopter over Potomac River.All takeoffs and landings from the airport near Washington have been halted.Rescue teams ...
(NEXSTAR) – Images from the EarthCam video service captured images of what appears to be the fiery crash of an American Airlines jet over the Potomac River Wednesday evening. American Airlines ...
WASHINGTON (DC News Now) — DC Fire and EMS (DCFD) said a small aircraft crashed into the Potomac River Wednesday night. In a joint statement from DCFD and the Metropolitan Police Department (MPD ...