The film primarily follows Thomas (Nicholas Hoult) a salesman who must leave his wife Ellen (Lily-Rose Depp) to travel to Transylvania and meet with the reclusive Count-Orlock (Bill Skarsgard).
This article will be updated throughout the month as more movies are available to rent on demand., With so many blockbusters ...
ComingSoon Senior Editor Brandon Schreur spoke to cinematographer Jarin Blaschke about working on Robert Eggers' new Focus ...
Winter break marked a seminal occasion for insufferable horror movie fans such as yours truly: the release of Robert Eggers’s long-awaited revamp of F. W. Murnau’s “Nosferatu” (2024). Eggers is best ...
Overall, “Nosferatu” is another great Eggers flick and one of the best Gothic horror pieces of recent memory. More than being ...
Nosferatu has officially become one of the top 30 highest-grossing remakes of all-time with digital release causing box office returns to dwindle.
From Christopher Lee to Bela Lugosi, Dracula has had many portrayals for over 100 years, with some managing to be scarier ...
There is a pretty good reason why there has never been a sequel to Nosferatu. The nocturnal predator is always killed, be it ...
Focus Features' new gothic horror movie title Nosferatu, directed by auteur Robert Eggers, has gone ahead and accomplished an ...
Robert Eggers' masterpiece Nosferatu was all the rage this winter, thanks to a brilliant script and Lily-Rose Depp's stellar ...
Robert Eggers' newest film "Nosferatu," a remake of F.W. Murnau's of the same name, is a must-see for all horror fans.
Besides being the most familiar vampire story in fiction, the main draw to the latest "Nosferatu" is Robert Eggers’ atmospheric direction and the actors' delivery.