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平日(祝日を除く)午前8時30分~午後5時30分 (在学生)証明書自動発行機による各種証明書の発行について 操作方法はマニュアルを参照して下さい。 ※※各証明書についてのお問い合わせは ...
Please refer to the operation manual . **Please contact here related to each certifications. ※1 Undergraduate graduates of the University who have continued on to a master's degree program. ※2 Those ...
Tokyo Tech's strategic overseas hubs, or ANNEXes, advance the Institute's collaboration with universities, research institutions and industry in the regions in which they are located. ANNEXes also ...
Tokyo Tech has made many discoveries during its 130 years of rich history. As international partnerships grows not only in science and technology, but across all fields, friendly competition and ...
本サイトの情報は、順次、Science Tokyoのサイトに移行していきます。公開されているページは東京科学大学の情報として有効なものです。
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Through research and development in Life Engineering, a field of engineering concerned with areas such as human health, medicine and the environment, we aim to enrich the lives of people. We are ...
Tokyo Tech's departments offer academic programs at both undergraduate and graduate levels.
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How should nuclear power be used in the future? How can radiation, which is already used for cancer treatments, be used more effectively? In order to answer this question, the Graduate Major in ...