Philipp Plein: only a certain kind of luxury is in crisis, says the founder of the brand that produces leather shoes in Italy ...
The countertrend of Visonà, the Vicenza-based leather goods brand grows thanks to Italy and a consistent quality-price ratio ...
Business in the United States is slowing down, so Geox is closing its New York office and laying off staff. It does not mean, ...
Gianni Russo (Russo di Casandrino, president of Lineapelle) explains the 3 factors that are useful in managing this ...
Ethical Fashion Initiative, ethical fashion seeking partnerships at Lineapelle (17-19 September, Fieramilano Rho) ...
SAL leather goods sees the abyss, but does not give in to the crisis: how the young Laino brothers (Naples) want to stay on the market ...
To open up new horizons Telfar presents the first leather bag: so it attacks customers betrayed by designer labels with a luxury product ...
The oldest leather shoe in the world is from Armenia and is in perfect conditions: it was made 5500 years ago The oldest shoe in the world is made with leather and it is more than 5500 years old. It ...
For Claudia Sequi (president of Assopellettieri) companies need social shock absorbers like during the lockdown ...
Diego Della Valle, founder and patron of the Tod's group, believes in the opportunities of luxury, but not its prices ...
Even the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen was convinced that the EUDR is inapplicable as it is ...
In this turbulent autumn of luxury, the unknown for the brands are the desires of the customers, not the spending power ...