An update regarding the border crossing issue. On January 24, the appeal on the border crossings was discussed at the TAR Milan and the decision is still awaited. The regional sections of FIDC, ANUU, ...
Floriano Massardi, regional councilor of the League and president of the 'Agriculture, mountains and forests' Commission of the Lombardy Region as well as promoter of the regional initiative on ...
Here are his words on the matter: "I am truly very proud of the nomination received as head of the department of the League for wildlife management and hunting activity in the Lombardy Region. I thank ...
Federcaccia Toscana-UCT, in collaboration with Coldiretti Toscana, has organised a conference for Thursday 6 February 2025, in Mercatale di Vernio in the province of Prato, focused on wolf management, ...
There have already been 9 outbreaks in the first half of January bird flu in Veneto, all in the Veronese area and involving turkey, laying hens or meat poultry farms. Since October 2024, 22 cases have ...
Saturday 15th February at 15.00 pm at the “Tonelli” multipurpose hall in Caldarola, in the province of Macerata, the 1st regional conference on the Adriatic woodcock will take place, organized by the ...
Saturday 11th and Sunday 12th January saw the two days of study and field practice which allowed a new group of conductors to qualify in this canine specialty. Organized by the Grosseto section of ...
Si entra nel vivo con un fine settimana ricchissimo di appuntamenti: si gareggerà in 43 impianti di 16 Regioni.
Nella nota esplicativa riportata dalla sezione provinciale di Caserta della Federcaccia e diramata alle proprie sezioni sul ...
All'EOS – European Outdoor show di Verona (8-10/2/2025), manifestazione fieristica di cui è partner, il Consorzio armaioli ...
La storica firma del 1971 Domenica, 2 febbraio, si celebra la “Giornata Mondiale delle Zone Umide”, che ricorda la firma ...
Prospetti di esproprio Cia Grosseto si trova nuovamente a dover prendere posizione in merito alla pianificazione e all'installazione di impianti per la produzione di energia rinnovabile, in ...