Careful- Opinions and Statements of Reserach base facts offered fromn this point on. Our last article riled up thousands of ...
The Herald is about our town, the people who live here, and how together we shape our futures and community. There are so many things we can do, together, to make Hillsboro better. That is why you ...
Tonight is the Night at Hillsboro City Hall for everyone to come and testify. You will get three minutes to speak in person or online on the matter at hand. That matter is the single biggest and only ...
UPDATE: On 10-7-24, several days after the request was made, the Hillsboro City Recorder let us know that the only way to find out more about the City of Hillsboro officials trip to Japan was to file ...
Editors Note: In August, the Herald was the first to announce that a massive land deal for an NSTC location was coming to Hillsboro. While not for sure, everyone else is now jumping on board. Here is ...
Yesterday, The Hillsboro Herald covered the secretive trip that Hillsboro Mayor Steve Callaway, City Manager Robby Hammond, and Economic Development ...
The Nez Perce Tribe and the World lost a great leader when Silas Whitman passed on Tuesday . . . and salmon lost the best friend a fish could have. Charles Axtell (Left) and his close friend Silas ...
Governor Tina Kotek and her staff have announced their intentions to expand the North Hillsboro Industrial area by adding almost 400 acres to the Urban Growth Boundary. That authority is granted to ...
Voices Of The People Features Community Leaders And Individuals Wanted To Be Heard Editor's Note:   The Friends of Smart Growth ...