Harriet Tubman will replace President Andrew Jackson on the front of the redesigned $20 bill, the Treasury Department announced Wednesday, after scrapping plans for a woman to be on the $10 bill.
While Americans are still waiting for abolitionist and social activist Harriet Tubman to be seen on the $20 bill, Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC) announced plans for a proposed bill that will place ...
Military Scout and Tenacious Visionary,” shared how surviving family members continue to honor the late abolitionist.
This image provided by the Library of Congress shows Harriet Tubman ... that Secretary Jacob Lew has decided to put Tubman on the $20 bill, making her the first woman on U.S. paper currency ...
In April 2016, President Barack Obama's administration began an effort to place Harriet Tubman, an American icon known for saving slaves through the Underground Railroad, on the $20 bill.
A measure to replace President Andrew Jackson with abolitionist Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill is being taken up again in ...