Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan was spotted applauding former Para-athlete Murlikant Rajaram Petkar he got conferred with the prestigious Arjuna Award. Aaryan protrayed Petkar's role in the movie ...
Kartik shared a video on Instagram featuring a scene from the film Chandu Champion and Murlikant Petkar receiving the award in real.
Paralympic gold medalist Murlikant Petkar was honoured with the prestigious Arjuna Award at a special ceremony held at ...
Murlikant Petkar, India’s first Paralympic gold medalist, received the Arjuna Award 52 years after his achievement. He ...
Kartik Aaryan (left) and Murlikant Petkar (right) with Hon’ble President of India Draupadi Murmu (centre) Instagram ...
The para-athletes outnumbered the able-bodied ones in the list this time due to the magnificent Paris Paralympics performance ...