The confident and uncompromising wife of James, Margaret (Faith Hill) was the Dutton family matriarch in 1883. A strong leader and fiercely protective of her family, she set out with James and their ...
That of the Yellowstone Dutton Ranch, upon which the fictional Dutton family has lived since the late 1800s, is foremost in ...
Claire (Dawn Olivieri) is James and Jacob’s sister, who traveled with James’s caravan in 1883. After her daughter, Mary Abel, was killed outside Fort Worth, she tragically took her own life. Olivieri ...
John was ultimately killed in an ambush by the family's enemies. The wife of John Dutton ... Yellowstone could have been much different if not for the death of John and Evelyn’s eldest son, Lee ...
John was ultimately killed in an ambush by the family's enemies. The wife of John Dutton ... Yellowstone could have been much different if not for the death of John and Evelyn’s eldest son, Lee ...
Lee (Dave Annable) was John Dutton III and Evelyn’s first child. He was killed in the first season of Yellowstone after he was shot during a confrontation with the neighboring Broken Rock Reservation.
We meet John Dutton, the seventh generation owner of Yellowstone Dutton ... John’s son Lee is next in line to run the ranch, but he is killed when retrieving stolen cattle from the Broken ...
Season 2 of the critically-acclaimed Yellowstone prequel series ... Lee (Dave Annable) is the oldest son of John and Evelyn Dutton. The heir to the Dutton Ranch, Lee was killed by Robert Long ...