In the dormant season, winter, staff and volunteers harvest branches, cutting close to the ground level. This pruning ...
The Northern Catalpa tree is one of the few tree species in New York City with whorled branching. The distinctive “weeping” silhouette of some willow trees is easy to spot in winter. The leafless ...
Different species of oaks have different shapes and sizes of lobes ... Near lakes, streams, or low-lying areas, you may see the long, wispy leaves of a weeping willow, as these trees prefer wet soils.
Willow trees fall under the Salix genus and include over 400 species, with two of the most well-known medicinal species being the white willow (Salix alba) and the black willow (Salix nigra).
A sandy dry corner near the road isn’t the perfect spot for a water-hungry willow. Trees need ... to learn more about invasive species is the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. You also should ...