Assoumani said on Thursday in a speech to supporters on the island of Moheli: "I will place my son to replace me as head of ...
This biography, consisting of biographies, is the literary equivalent of a group discount that you can count on to keep your attention riveted to each page. It is an invaluable guide to ...
THE Council of East and Central African Football Associations (CECAFA) has officially announced that its president, Wallace ...
Capt. Mike Mukula, the Vice Chairperson of NRM- Eastern Region, also commended President Museveni for his tireless efforts in transforming Uganda into a peaceful and progressive nation.
Successive forces have come through the revovling doors of the Horn of Africa nation and gone out without implementing a ...
Kenyans accounted for the largest number of fishermen arrested, with 935, closely followed by Congo with 557 and Rwanda with ...
Why the propaganda against Russian president, Vladmir Putin, that he is a dangerous expansionist makes no sense THE LAST WORD ...
President Museveni has commissioned the refurbishment of Kimaka Airfield. Despite its strategic location, Jinja Airfield has ...