He was asking, “Please don't get too buff or anything ... Yeah, for sure. Like when Tom Hardy had to bulk up for The Dark Knight Rises, I think he had to put on so much muscle.
Beyond its role as a retail establishment, Artifacts serves as a cultural institution in Iowa City. It preserves and ...
Ceramics collectors discover a paradise of pottery, from utilitarian crocks that once stored everything from butter to moonshine, to artistic studio pieces showcasing experimental glazes and forms.
The moment you push open that distinctive red door at Artifacts in Iowa City, you’re not just entering a store – you’re stepping into a time machine disguised as 331 E. Market Street, where every ...
A first-time visitor might arrive with no specific goal and leave with a vintage postcard, a mid-century ashtray repurposed as a trinket dish, or a piece of local memorabilia that creates a personal ...
A malevolent Timothy Olyphant is antagonizing Tom Hardy in ’Havoc.’ What can we expect from this movie from ’The Raid’s ...
Tom Hardy is known for gritty, action-packed roles, and now he’s set to captivate audiences once again with Netflix’s highly anticipated new film, Havoc. Directed by Gareth Evans, known for ...
Evans also produces along with Hardy, Ed Talfan, and Aram Tertzakian. Hardy recently closed out his “Venom” trilogy with “The Last Dance,” released in October 2024. He also appeared in ...