Tinder is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to international dating apps. Don't forget about these global picks for ...
The Philippines is in the top 10 globally in terms of mobile application downloads and hours spent using them in the past year, according to a report by the data analytics ...
Police uncovered a love scam operation in Jakarta involving 20 suspects who deceived victims into investing in cryptocurrency.
Ternyata korban yang disasar pelaku penipuan online modus aplikasi kencan di Jakpus yakni warga negara asing (WNA) dari ...
Jakarta, VIVA — Polsek Metro Gambir berhasil membongkar sindikat penipuan daring bermodus kencan yang beroperasi melalui ...
"Memasang foto mereka seolah sebagai laki-laki, tapi pakai foto profil orang lain yang menarik. Jadi, korbannya adalah wanita," jelas Respati dalam rilis di kantornya pada Selasa (28/1/2025). Sebelum ...
What can local leaders in LA and in other communities in the US and around the world do in the wake of these extreme events ...
Di Indonesia, tren penamaan juga mengalami pergeseran. Jika dulu nama-nama seperti "Budi," "Siti," atau "Agus" sangat populer ...
The global sexual wellness market is highly fragmented, with numerous leading vendors. Market consolidation is anticipated to occur gradually. Prominent players in the global sexual wellness market ...
Bridget Jones Mad About the Boy diumumkan sebagai film keempat dan terakhir dalam seri ini meskipun bintang utamanya Renée Zellweger berharap itu bukan yang terakhir ...
Nature is capable of the most mysterious, surreal, stunning, and powerful things. The only thing we can do as humans is to ...