In the late 1970s, the Doumanis let sculptor Robert Graham design and build their beachfront house. He had no architectural training.
In 2025, the Kunstmuseen Krefeld will present a series of exhibitions which further reinforce their distinctive identity as an institution that points up the intersections between art, architecture, ...
Villa Oliva is a $62 million Beverly Hills home designed by the late architect Howard Backen. It includes a wine cellar, ...
Batman has gone through a number of looks over the course of nearly 90 years. We break down his 10 best Batsuits from the ...
When a woman walking to work at River Park Square this winter was dragged into an alley behind P.F. Chang’s and mugged, ...
“Comic art can be detailed because it's an illustration ... to what would have been possible in the '40s." The prestige of Timm's work throughout the '90s provided a stylistic counterbalance ...
This whole thing brings to mind the old adage: “The art of taxation consists of so plucking ... and our meeting with Representative Timm Ormsby’s office was disappointing.
Commercial property owner Sheldon Jackson has become perhaps the loudest anti-progressive voice in Spokane, rallying a following almost entirely by email.
“We intentionally wanted a mix of elements. It’s not just a children’s exhibit, or an exhibit about Chris’s art,” said Timm. “Parents and kids are reading these books ...
An exhibition Georg Wilhelm Timm (1820–1895) – artist, publisher, traveller is currently on view at the Art Museum Riga Bourse in Riga.