Thermaltake sent Leo a new set of ToughRam RGB 4600MHz memory - with pretty loose timings. We put the kit through its paces and compared to some other leading kits on the market - including a Corsair ...
Farmers face mounting pressure to optimize resources, reduce costs, and boost productivity. Enter farm management software—a ...
Briony takes a look at the £1800 graphics card - the Galax KFA2 Hall of Fame 10th Anniversary edition. They even give you ...
Nvidia Reflex is a suite of GPU, G-Sync display, and software technologies that help in measuring and reducing system latency. By doing so, it allows the PC and the display to respond faster to mouse ...
The Windows maker’s revenue rose 12% year-on-year to $69.6 billion in Q2 FY25, with net profit surging 10% to $24.1 billion.
VIPRE Security Group, a global leader and award-winning cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection company, has released its annual ...
Annual email threat research predicts infostealer, BEC attacks, and AI-driven phishing and social engineering as persistent threats in 2025, alongside the use of QR codes, deepfakes, and synthetic ...
You wake up at 7:00 and reflexively reach for your phone. Between the stream of emails, WhatsApps and breaking news alerts, ...
So many great apps eventually cost money. These fantastic apps cost nothing. Don't overlook them because they're really ...
Auto Dark Mode now runs natively on ARM based devices! With all the advantages that come with it, like less battery ...
The RTX 5080 Founders Edition at $999 makes far more sense for enthusiasts targeting max-setting gaming and ultra-HD ...
This may not quite be the definitive version, but it's still a gorgeous improvement to an excellent action game.