What we do know is that there is nothing of the stodgy, the pursed-lip do-gooder, the sanctimonious health fanatic in the ...
In a pastoral message marking the feast of St David, the patron of Wales ... agreed” the Sisters of the Immaculate and St Maximilian Kolbe and the Friars of the Immaculate and St Francis ...
It’s fish fry season and in Cincinnati, fish fries are a huge deal!WLWT is starting to compile a list of area fish frys, listed below by county.WE NEED YOUR HELP. If we're missing yours, send ...
Oftentimes a well known artist’s newly religious work feels like a cathartic inquisition into his personal beliefs — which is great, but usually results in weak art. So it was with Mark Wahlberg and ...
Basilica of Ste. Anne in Detroit has been given financial stability through The Catholic Initiative's partnership.
Pews were packed at an Ash Wednesday mass led by Miami’s Archbishop Thomas Wenski at Broward’s oldest Catholic Church earlier ...
The congregants of St. Edward in Palm Beach packed the church on March 1 to celebrate its recent designation as a minor ...
The Oscar-winning film "The Brutalist" was inspired in part by St. John's Abbey Church, thanks to a book written by a monk ...
The “manosphere” calls for more testosterone, more spectacle. But servant leadership, embodied in Catholic men’s groups past ...
Worshippers gathered at Holy Trinity Catholic Church in San Pedro on Wednesday, March 5, to observe the start of Lent.
Teachers, parents, priests and guests attend blessing and unveiling of student’s mural in the chapel at Austin Catholic High ...