Barn swallows, infamous for their mud nests in doorways, are returning. Once they make a nest, you can't legally remove them.
A long anticipated upgrade to the camera equipment was installed on Tuesday, so Iris' viewers will get a new look as she ...
Meet the great potoo, a mysterious nocturnal bird from Central and South America. It has a unique ability—it can see even with its eyes closed! Let’s explore more about this fascinating bird.
That changed when Michael Castaño-Díaz and Sebastián Gallan Giraldo, a Ph.D student and research assistant, spotted a ...
A warning has been issued to homeowners about " highly aggressive" seagulls in the lead up to summer and the traditional ...
When you click on “Accept all”, you consent to ads on this site being customized to a personal profile we or our advertising ...
Increasing levels of damage to wildlife on a protected part of the Anglesey coast have led to a new exclusion zone being ...
From mice performing first aid to birds using antioxidants, animals display remarkable self-medication behaviors that could ...
Here are our favorite healthy-ish spots in town when you’re looking to eat something life-affirming and probably green. 8.5 ...
Swifts are now on the UK’s Red List of Birds of Conservation Concern, and the decline in suitable nesting locations is ...
For the first time ever, wild animals have been captured and relocated from one Latin American country to another for ...
Little cottages and beach houses nestle among shore pines that grow at crazy angles from years of ocean winds. Some of the ...