The new season brings back some of the beloved officers on the show. Among others, Shivaji Satam, known for his role as ACP Pradyuman, is also looking forward to returning to the show for the second ...
The new Type-12 SSM has ‘improved capability’ to be launched from both ground launchers and ships, and offers a stand-off defense capability to prevent and eliminate invading forces at an ...
Euroopan komissio perustaa eduskunnan perustaman Sitran idean pohjilta uuden kiertotalouden osaamiskeskuksen. Keskuksen työtä tullaan johtamaan Sitrasta Helsingistä. Keskuksen työn tavoitteena on ...
The iconic crime series CID returns this December with its original cast, including Shivaji Satam as ACP Pradyuman. The show promises thrilling new cases and the same electrifying energy.
The new promo featuring Shivaji Satam will leave you excited for the primer of the crime-thriller show. The wait is over, as audiences' beloved Television crime-based show, CID, is set to return ...
The new season promises suspense and thrilling drama. Earlier, Shivaji Satam had shared, "In this edition of the show, the Daya-Abhijeet bond, once unbreakable, has snapped and the two are ...