and Scream 4 (2011), directed by the late Wes Craven. It relaunched with the fifth installment, Scream, in 2022. The latest outing, Scream VI, released theatrically worldwide in March 2023 and ...
Actor Matthew Lillard is all set to make a return to the Scream franchise as the serial killer Stu Macher in the seventh ...
Scream 7 has crushed all hopes and dreams for a Mark Kincaid (Patrick Dempsey) return by casting Joel McHale as Sidney ...
Reflecting on the best ending in the Scream franchise, Scream 4 stands out with Jill's unique desire for fame and social media recognition.
The OG Scream band is getting back together somewhat, with Lillard set to join Neve Campbell, who's reprising her role as ...
Matthew Lillard is set to return in "Scream 7," 29 years later after appearing in the first film of the mega-slasher franchise.
Passengers protested inside a plane after being stuck sitting on the tarmac for five hours on Jan. 25. Air India flight AI909 ...
There are few cinematic in-jokes more played-out than the Wilhelm scream - an iconic stock scream sound effect which has been ...
and “Scream 4” (2011), directed by the late Wes Craven. The franchise relaunched with the fifth installment, “Scream,” in 2022. The latest outing, “Scream VI,” released theatrically ...
After the release of “Scream 4” in 2011, the series remained dormant for over a decade until it was revived in 2022 by Paramount and Spyglass with a fifth installment that saw newcomers ...
Renfield', starring Nicolas Cage and Nicholas Hoult, is finally biting its way to 4K with new slipcover and steelbook ...