Frost's most famous poem is misread as a celebration of American nonconformists, writes SU professor. To true nonconformists, it would have evoked the era's racial violence.
Nevertheless, for this poem, and for the first time in his career, Frost got paid—$15, by the editor of a New York weekly called The Independent. “On reading ‘My Butterfly,’ ” Adam Plunkett writes in ...
Sometimes seen as the stuff of commencement addresses, his poems are hard to pin down—just like the man behind them.
Was Frost any good? Poetically speaking, yes. Morally speaking, not always, and in his excellent new biography, “Love and Need: The Life of Robert Frost’s Poetry,” critic Adam Plunkett ...
(SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) ROBERT FROST: Whose woods these are, I think I know. His house is in the village, though. He will not see me stopping here to watch his woods fill up with snow.
First presented in 1930, the medal is named for Robert Frost and has been given to Wallace Stevens, Allen Ginsberg and Adrienne Rich among others.
In this post, we will show you how to create a Mind Map in Excel. A Mind Map is a diagram that represents information in a non-linear hierarchy. It typically starts with a topic at the center ...
Tired of suffering in silence (no, she was not “fine”) and knowing she wasn’t alone in her pain, Frost created the Forced Joy Project ... dreams of going on the road together—to podcast ...