Packaged snacks and fast food contain additives that can worsen inflammation and uric acid levels. Full-fat milk, cheese, and cream may reduce uric acid excretion, increasing the risk of gout.
When uric acid increases, the body becomes home to many health problems. In such a situation, know here which are the foods that reduce high uric acid when eaten. Uric Acid Diet: Pain in the fingers ...
Fasting benefits health but worsens gout if not managed properly. Dehydration raises uric acid levels, increasing flare-ups.
ABSTRACT: In North Carolina, candida infections are on the rise and pose a significant threat to human health in clinical settings. In addition, the rise of resistance to antifungal drugs has only ...
Article Views are the COUNTER-compliant sum of full text article downloads since November 2008 (both PDF and HTML) across all institutions and individuals. These metrics are regularly updated to ...
Purine nucleotides are considered to be the only inhibitors of UCP1 activity, binding to its central cavity to lock UCP1 in a proton-impermeable conformation. Here we show that pyrimidine nucleotides ...
State Key Laboratory of Antiviral Drugs, Pingyuan Laboratory, Key Laboratory of Green Chemical Media and Reactions, Ministry of Education, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Henan Normal ...