"Tejashwi government is coming. Things would move at the same speed that was seen during the 17-month period," the poster declares in bold letters. The “17-month” period alludes to the regime ...
In the 2023 village and youth council elections, Garcia said the Comelec issued show-cause orders to over 7,500 candidates for failing to remove illegal campaign posters. The proclamation of 253 ...
USA TODAY Network is offering commemorative posters celebrating the Philadelphia Eagles' Super Bowl 59 victory. The posters feature iconic images and headlines from the game, capturing the Eagles ...
Autoritatea Electorală Permanentă (AEP) a anunțat că vineri a fost constituit Biroul Electoral Central (BEC) pentru alegerile prezidențiale din luna mai. Din BEC fac parte cinci judecători de la ...
“Canada is largely left of center, and making it the 51st state means more Democrats in Congress and Electoral College votes, not to mention providing universal health care and combating climate ...
Much has changed since he cast his vote.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen The shifting electoral map will shape the campaign, with both parties expected to make frequent trips to Western Australia and ...
Other key candidates include Elena Lasconi of the Save Romania Union party; former NATO deputy general secretary Mircea Geoana, who is running independently; and Nicolae Ciuca, a former army ...
Art Safari kicks off a new season from March 8, at the Dacia-Romania Palace on Lipscani. Art Safari reveals the Secret Museum, the well-hidden treasure of Romanian art, with 100 masterpieces by ...
Față de campania lui Nicolae Ciucă, PNL cheltuiește de aproximativ 9 ori mai puțin, iar gradul de îndatorare al partidului este foarte ridicat. Cele mai mari 23 de filiale județene ale PNL vor ...
Senatorii au luat act, în şedinţa de luni, de încetarea prin demisie a mandatului lui Nicolae Ciucă, începând cu data de 5 februarie 2025, şi au declarat vacant locul de senator ales în Circumscripţia ...