Mimikyu most certainly wins the award for being the strangest-looking Pokémon around. Even stranger when you consider Mimikyu ...
How to catch Sizzlipede and evolve it into Cenitskorch in Pokémon Go, including the Sizzlipede counters, weaknesses and best ...
The upcoming Spring into Spring event will add to Pokemon Go both Grass-type creatures Gossifleur and its evolution Eldegoss.
A fan shares an impressive Mega evolution for Victreebel, a Gen 1 Grass/Poison-type creature rumored to get a new form in ...
Pokemon Legends: Z-A is finally bringing the fan-favorite Mega Evolution mechanic back after it was originally left behind on ...
Pokémon Horizons has once again surpassed what Ash was allowed to do in its latest episode, complete with an incredible ...
The 100% perfect IV stats for Totodile, including a preview of shiny Croconaw and Feraligatr, for March’s Community Day ...
To get Thievul in Pokémon Go, you must evolve Nickit with 50 Candy. Even if Nickit can be found in a handful of ways on its ...
Pokemon Legends Z-A leaks are coming thick and fast, with multiple leakers claiming to have uncovered every new Mega Evolution.