TEHRAN-The Persian translation of the book “Persia and the Enlightenment” by Cyrus Masroori, Whitney Mannies, and John ...
Sense of Persia, an event directed by Sima Ahvaz that showcased Persian culture, was held for the third time in Dubai (Feb.
Caída del Cielo (Fallen from Heaven) by Rocío Molina featured flamenco dance and theatre about the agony and ecstasy of ...
The warmth with which Chabad treated me with helped me see how to live with greater love and humanity, Strawser writes.
The week is nearly done, and now that it's the weekend it's time to scroll through Steam and check out some games on sale. As ...
GDC is back in 2025. When is it, and what’s it all about?
The Conqueror of the World Early Life and Ascendancy Alexander III of Macedon, known as Alexander the Great, was born in 356 ...
Paintings, wallpapered rooms, cabinets of curiosities, handmade books — immersive Owens has it all over immersive van Gogh in ...
A Mumbai-based collective’s experimental videos transform surveillance tools and TV networks into community-driven devices.
This war is not about religion – it is about who truly values life. And that is a battle Israel will always fight and always ...
In mid-March this year, Jews and many Christians alike will be celebrating Purim, the events in Jewish history where Queen ...
Greek halva is a sweet treat and the star during Greek Lent and this year, halva manufacturers have embraced the viral Dubai ...