Labour is reserving its judgment on the Government’s sentencing reforms that include capping the discounts judges can apply ...
The government needs to compromise if it wants bipartisan support for replacing the RMA, Labour leader Chris Hipkins says.
Green MP Tamatha Paul is doubling down on her comments that a "visible police presence" makes people feel "more on edge." ...
Labour leader Chris Hipkins says compromises will need to be made in reforming the Resource Management Act. The Government's ...
NZ First's leader gives his state of the nation speech, with a rhetorical flourish wafting from the halls of power he's just ...
The political feud over working group numbers has re-erupted, with claims of hypocrisy and “half-baked research” flying ...
New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has declared a war on ‘woke’ and criticised efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions ...
In a speech that channelled Trump-style rhetoric but stuck to old Peters themes, the NZ First leader mixed nationalism, ...
Today there are echoes of our most famous former Prime Minster Seddon’s words “New Zealand is God’s own country, but the ...
The controversial Climate Change Secretary had the highest approval rating of any Cabinet minister in a survey of more than 2 ...
Under proposals released by the Representation Commission, the electorates of Ōhāriu, Mana, and Ōtaki will be scrapped, and replaced by two new seats: Kenepuru, and Kāpiti.
Job applications in New Zealand have surged to an all-time high, doubling (49%) in the past year, according to new data from ...