RESEARCH shows that over the years, radicals around the world have managed to incorporate gaming elements into their content as they seek to indoctrinate, recruit, and normalise violence among ...
Dismissing or failing to acknowledge the feelings of your significant other is one of the easiest ways to ruin a marriage with a good wife. Instead of making sure she knows she can come to you ...
You love your pets unconditionally. Why else would you tolerate their shedding all over your bed, carpets, blankets, and clothes? If your pet sheds, you probably do a lot of laundry—especially ...
On Monday, the experts from "" and the Rat auf Draht emergency number 147 gave some tips on how to talk to your children about the Villach attack.
The best horror games turn terror into a serious business. It's no secret that these experiences are all about atmosphere, putting pressure on the player, and ...
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This sounds familiar: ‘There is no doubt that he was a good man and a loving father and husband, nor that he had the intellectual capacity to cope with affairs of state. He was, however, a vacillator, ...
America is swamped with intelligence from the war on terrorism. It pours in each day from a multiplicity of sources, from the eavesdropping satellites of the vast National Security Agency and the ...