Saat ditanya soal alasan Bobon Santoso masuk Islam, Ustaz Derry Sulaiman menuturkan perasaan yang senasib dengan Richard Lee.
Japanese actor Koki is swiftly building an international profile that spans continents and genres, from dual roles in a Japanese horror film to sword fighting in 18th century Britain. The model ...
In the unforgiving landscape of 1790s Britain, daily survival is already something of a lottery. But throw some stolen gold, a clan of blood-thirsty outlaws and a Japanese samurai into the mix ...
Japan are on the verge of qualifying for World Cup 26 thanks in part to the prolific goal scoring heroics of Koki Ogawa. Ogawa has emerged as a key presence up front for Japan in World Cup 26 ...
Jika ingin membuat suasana bukber lebih seru dan berkesan, memilih dresscode yang unik dan lucu bisa jadi pilihan yang tepat.
On the streets of Iranian cities, it’s becoming more common to see a woman passing by without a mandatory headscarf, or hijab, after the second anniversary of the death of Mahsa Amini and the ...
Elnaz Rekabi gained global attention in October 2022 when she took part in championships in South Korea without wearing the headscarf required for women in the Islamic republic. She returned home ...
Zhila herself stopped obeying Iran’s hijab rules in 2022, when large-scale protests erupted in support of women’s rights and against the Islamic regime. The protests, which continued for ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Purbalingga punya banyak beragam pilihan oleh-oleh yang enak dengan harga yang murah meriah. Oleh-oleh ini bisa Sobat PR bawa pulang ke rumah setelah liburan atau sekdar main sebentar ...
PIKIRAN RAKYAT - Perseteruan antara food reviewer Tasyi Athasyia dan aktor sekaligus koki Nicky Tirta mencuri perhatian publik. Berawal dari perbedaan pendapat mengenai tekstur Bika Ambon yang viral, ...