THR untuk pensiunan tahun 2025 diberikan serentak bersamaan dengan ASN, PPPK, dan TNI Polri, berikut rincian besarannya.
Berikut contoh Tabel Angsuran KUR BRI 2025 plafon Rp1 Juta-Rp150 Juta dengan suku bunga pinjaman 0,5 Persen per bulan. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) kembali dipercaya oleh pemerintah untuk menjadi salah ...
4). Saat mendapat giliran, sampaikan kepada petugas CS bahwa Anda ingin mengajukan KUR BRI 2024. 5). Ikuti prosedur pengajuan KUR BRI 2025 yang dijelaskan petugas. 6). Jika Anda lolos persyaratan ...
SpaceX’s Crew-10 mission successfully docked at the International Space Station on Sunday morning, setting the stage to finally retrieve the two NASA astronauts who have been stuck in orbit for ...
Editor's note: Crew-10 has launched! Follow along here. Four astronauts preparing for a routine mission that sets the stage for the Boeing Starliner crew to depart from the International Space ...
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — The replacements for NASA’s two stuck astronauts launched to the International Space Station on Friday night, paving the way for the pair’s return after nine long months.
New data further challenge the best scientific theory of the history and the structure of the universe. But a separate recent result reinforces it. By Katrina Miller and Dennis Overbye The NASA ...
The International Space Station May Need More Microbes to Keep Astronauts Healthy The overly sterile environment of the International Space Station is missing important microbes, a new detailed ...
Space agencies from around the world launched a total of 244 successful missions into orbit or space in 2024, which is the most in history. The US led the way with over half of those launches ...
The year will kick off with the maiden voyage of New Glenn, a heavy-lift rocket built by Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin. Credit: Blue Origin Here's a round-up of space missions and cosmic events just ...
(Dok. ASDP) ASDP dan KSP berkomitmen memperkuat PSN terkait integrasi kawasan Merak-Bakauheni, pengembangan Bakauheni Harbour City, dan ekspansi rute internasional Batam-Johor Bahru. Direktur Utama ...
Peneliti Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) Ahmad Heri Firdaus menyatakan Indonesia membutuhkan tambahan dana sebesar Rp1.000 triliun per tahun dalam rasio Produk Domestik ...