So, did Jesus ... resurrection clearly, consistently throughout all these gospels. What's interesting, if you can hear the disharmony behind the very smooth presentation, is that Jesus' death ...
Jesus drew a picture of himself and he sent it to the world so we would know what he looked like,” says Jonah, 7.
He tells us nothing about the birth. He never tells us anything ... In First Corinthians 15, Paul's description of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is the earliest account that we ...
Christmas is a universal holiday that commemorates the birth of Jesus ... The central theme initially was Jesus Christ's death and resurrection Christmas, as we know it today, has its roots ...
They therefore have annual ceremonies marking the two Jesus-connected miracles; Virgin Birth and Death and Resurrection.
However, we know that Quirinius was not appointed governor until 6 C.E., ten years after the death of Herod. Luke thus presents a ten-year discrepancy in the benchmarks he offers about the year of ...
The narrative closely follows the life of Jesus from his birth, through his ministry and unto his death and resurrection. There are seven narrative sections (1-4, 8-9, 11-2, 14-7, 19-22 ...
As a careful historian, Luke sets the scene of Jesus' birth in its political context ... to cleanse Israel and the whole world of sin by his death and resurrection. Resurrection is a key theme ...
Christians are in the season of Eastertide, the time between Easter and Pentecost. We celebrated the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday. And, we will celebrate the Holy Spirit and the birth of ...
They tell of the life, ministry and death of Jesus. writers. Crowds of people came out of the city to greet Jesus throwing down palm branches on the road as he passed. Some Anglican and Roman ...