Love is one of the key themes in Jane Austen's novel ... all of which explains Mrs Bennet’s anxiety about getting her daughters married off and her push to get Mr Bennet in contact with Bingley ...
Now, in the year of Austen’s ... seeking missile Mrs Bennet and super-snob Lady Catherine de Bourgh. What you might not expect is how acidly funny Amy Ingram is as Mr Bingley’s arrogant ...
Illustration for Walker Books (courtesy of Helen Oxenbury ... an adaptation of Jane Austen's novel, telling Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Darcy's story as you’ve never seen it before, with five ...
This is the year of Jane Austen ... book, she trying to engage him in her worry that their five daughters have yet to find suitable husbands—and is he aware that a very eligible bachelor has moved ...
Jane Austen's Bookshelf (Marysue Rucci Books) Readers who don’t find it delightful when Austen characters vent about having to dress up last year’s ballgown with this year’s ribbons probably ...
This San Diego publisher of classic titles uses data and trendspotting to catch readers attention. Here’s how it is marking Jane Austen’s 250th birthday.
In “Jane Austen’s Bookshelf,” a rare-book collector sets out to “investigate ... (As to my annotations here, I’ll quote Mr. Darcy: “You may imagine what I felt and how I acted.”) ...
In the book Jane Austen's Lovers by John Halperin ... including in Pride and Prejudice between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Collins, and in Mansfield Park between Henry Crawford and Fanny Price.
Publishing beautiful books has never mattered more than now. Gorgeous covers, gilded edges, swirly endpapers and sharp illustrations ... Or robot romances. Or Jane Austen. A San Diego publisher ...
In the book Jane Austen’s Lovers by John Halperin ... including in Pride and Prejudice between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr Collins and in Mansfield Park between Henry Crawford and Fanny Price.