Hampshire Trust Bank (HTB) has completed a £3.67 million refinance and capital raise for an experienced portfolio landlord, ...
A portfolio landlord has taken on a huge loan to consolidate 22 properties across London and Birmingham. The borrower, a ...
Hampshire Trust Bank has announced that it has completed a £3.67 million refinance and capital raise for a limited company portfolio landlord, consolidating 22 properties across London and Birmingham ...
Hampshire Trust Bank (HTB) has announced that bridging sales director Lorenzo Satchell has decided to leave the company to ...
Lorenzo Satchell is leaving Hampshire Trust Bank (HTB) to pursue new opportunities. Following his departure, HTB will combine ...
Lorenzo Satchell has decided to leave his role as sales director for bridging finance at Hampshire Trust Bank (HTB).
List today: CNB Financial CCNE: This bank holding company which provides a range of banking products and services for ...
Hampshire Trust Bank (HTB) is celebrating after successfully completing two transactions to support the refinance of two recently developed care/assisted living facilities and the redemption of ...
The new development aims to bring much-needed homes to Sheffield while supporting the city’s wider regeneration.
Funding of £11.9m has been secured to support the conversion of the former home of a well-known Yorkshire law firm into apartments.