A traffic collision on Highway 29 at the Highway 12/121 turn toward Sonoma County made life miserable for motorists on ...
Construction for new on- and off-ramps from U.S. 29/70 to the Davidson-Davie Community College area will force the closure of ...
A ute driver says his attempt to overtake a truck and trailer on a State Highway 29 passing lane could have, in his view, ...
Police are gathering information after a reported hit-and-run on Interstate 29 disrupted traffic for more than an hour this morning. The crash occurred around 10:21 a.m. after a red vehicle traveling ...
At least two people were injured in a T-bone type crash Friday night on Highway 29 at Tree Street near International Paper in ...
"We do hope to address the crosswalk issue," said Johnson. "Because we've had several pedestrians hit crossing Highway 29." "We only have one crosswalk in the town as it is," she said. "But we are ...
A bald eagle was rescued from a highway in New Jersey last week. The majestic bird was injured, and couldn't take flight.
A 22-year-old Fairhope woman was critically injured in a fiery single-vehicle crash on Highway 29 in McDavid on Sunday night.
Whitefield firefighters responded to a two vehicle wreck Friday night that shut down Highway 29 for more than an hour. A car ...