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Dan Ammann says ExxonMobil is finding better ways to unlock more of its known resources, through a 'production line' approach ...
GEORGETOWN (Reuters) - Guyana's Natural Resources ministry has ordered the country's tax agency to begin a dispute resolution with Exxon Mobil over the recovery of some $214 million in expenses ...
GEORGETOWN (Reuters) - Guyana's Natural Resources ministry has ordered the country's tax agency to begin a dispute resolution with Exxon Mobil over the recovery of some $214 million in expenses ...
ExxonMobil affiliate Esso Exploration and Production Guyana Ltd. commenced drilling of the Snoek well on February 22, 2017 and was safely drilled to 5,175 meters in 1,563 meters of water on March 18.
The three companies produced 120,000 boed in Guyana in 2021. Exxon is the leading operator with a 45% stake. Partners Hess and CNOOC keep 30% and 25% of the output, respectively.
Know about Ekereku Airport in detail. Find out the location of Ekereku Airport on Guyana map and also find out airports near to Ekereku. This airport locator is a very useful tool for travelers to ...
The government yesterday broke its long silence on the status of the first two cost oil audits saying that for the four-year-old IHS Markit audit, ExxonMobil has been notified that there is no ...