80+ pcs. Ericson glass to incl.: Rare 5’ walking stick; num. controlled bubble paperweight base compotes; cake stands, white decanter; num. ashtrays incl ...
Discovery Antiques isn’t just another stop on the tourist trail – it’s a time machine disguised as a shop, painted in a shade ...
Amazon Promising review: "This is a beautiful lamp. I love the color! I bought one to see how it would look in my living room ...
Ella’s Bubbles is a leading U.S. manufacturer of ... come with stainless steel doors that include a frosted, tempered glass door for a more modern look. The Elite model is the most popular ...
Gary Duschl has always been a collector. Inside his Virginia Beach residence, small dog and cat statues sit upon most of the surfaces. Dozens of antique glass bottles line some of his shelves. By the ...