Pred dvema letoma se je ameriški oblikovalec odločil vložiti sto dolarjev, vrednost investicije pa je čez noč zrasla na ...
Globalna tehnološka znamka HONOR v duhu inovacij sodeluje s priznanim umetnikom umetne inteligence (UI) Hidreleyem Diãom pri ...
V aplikaciji Erar so vidna številna milijonska nakazila družbe Gen-I fizičnim osebam, eno nakazilo je težko celo 20 milijonov ...
Na letošnjem MWC v Barceloni so domala vse predstavitve naslavljale praktične aplikacije umetne inteligence v mobilnih ...
Obiskovalci nedavnega mednarodnega sejma telefonije MWC so bili nadvse navdušeni nad pametnim mobilnim teflonom Nothing Phone ...
Podjetje Xiaomi nas je pred dobrimi tremi meseci prijetno presenetilo s telefonom Redmi K80. Tu gre po mnenju številnih ...
However, despite being misguidedly labeled as "lazy" or "coddled," like a report from Stanford suggests, Gen Zers are still leading with their values in mind — fueled by flexibility ...
Are you team tight-on-tight or tight-on-baggy? By Madison Malone Kircher The infamous “war” between millennials and Gen Z has found a new battleground in recent weeks, with a fight brewing on ...
Gen Z will always relish an opportunity to bash millennials. In yet another trend to takedown their elders, Gen Z critics are roasting so-called “millennial burger joints.” These overpriced ...
As a millennial, I find these fearless Gen-Z behaviors to be the most important. Unsurprisingly, women of my generation often ended up blaming themselves whenever bad things happened because of men.