“Severance” follows the lives of a group of workers at a company called Lumon Industries who have agreed to undergo a procedure known as “severance.” During this operation, a device — the Severance ...
How does it feel to be known to several different generations for different iconic roles? That is what I wanted to know when ...
Unlike other streaming services, Apple TV+ doesn't have a huge backlog or beloved properties to fall back on, like Max with ...
Presenting: 27 Bachelor Nation couples that actually stayed together. ABC’s first-ever Bachelorette, Trista Rehn, got engaged ...
Now, Winter, who plays the fan-favorite police Sergeant, told Parade where Tim’s heart was at with the breakup, and I can’t ...
The show, based on Hugh Howey's novels, takes place in an underground silo inhabited by 10,000 people living throughout its 144 floors in a post-apocalyptic world, so really, could there be any other ...
Better yet, the stuff Skeleton Crew has to say is relevant to a younger audience – like when KB (Kyriana Kratter) talks about ...
We see that Milchick tells Dylan aboout the Family Visitation Suite in Severance Season 2 episode 1. But why? Find out here!
I’ve already published my full Season 2 (spoiler-free) review. Now, we can dive into each individual episode as they stream ...
Severance Season 2 Episode 1 focuses entirely on the Innies, with Mark returning to reunite with his MDR team – well, not quite.
He needed Kaufman’s art to become the artist that he himself is now.  Such art is now in short supply, because humankind is trying to kill it.  The reelection of Donald Trump only ensures that this ...
From Emmy and Golden Globe winners to addictive competition shows, check out one of these binge-worthy series on Netflix.