The show, based on Hugh Howey's novels, takes place in an underground silo inhabited by 10,000 people living throughout its 144 floors in a post-apocalyptic world, so really, could there be any other ...
"Severance" season one introduced Mark, Helly, Dylan, and Irving's careers at Lumon. Here's a recap of what to remember for ...
The Phantom Menace came out, the dramatic backlash against its slapstick humor and precocious kid hero prompted George Lucas ...
The first episode of the second season of Apple TV+’s science fiction series ‘Severance,’ titled ‘Hello, Ms. Cobel,’ revolves ...
The Apple TV+ series is back and more poignant than ever.
We see that Milchick tells Dylan aboout the Family Visitation Suite in Severance Season 2 episode 1. But why? Find out here!
While the first season of Severance saw the first two episodes released at once, season 2 has moved straight to a weekly ...
I’ve already published my full Season 2 (spoiler-free) review. Now, we can dive into each individual episode as they stream ...
Severance Season 2 Episode 1 focuses entirely on the Innies, with Mark returning to reunite with his MDR team – well, not quite.