As a prequel trilogy kid, I adore Star Wars stories that portray the Jedi as flawed individuals while breaking down the ...
Ezra Bridger’s lightsaber-blaster hybrid was one of the coolest lightsabers in all of Star Wars—but what happened to it after ...
Ezra Bridger often used the alias of "Jabba the Hutt," but he isn't the first Star Wars character to masquerade as the infamous crime lord.
Kanan Jarrus exhibited a level of Force mastery that Luke Skywalker never displayed throughout the comics or the original and ...
Darth Vader has had innumerable incredible moments in Star Wars movies and TV shows, but these 10 scenes best represent his immense power.
In Star Warslore, the Jedi’s purpose was to keep peace throughout the galaxy. After Order 66, the survivors went underground and hid their true identity in order to avoid attracting the attention of ...
Star Wars Rebels not only is a thrilling watch in its own right, but it sets the stage for a variety of Disney+ adventures.
It’s been revealed that Star Wars Rebelsrepeated a decision that Star Wars: The Clone Wars made, and it might’ve been the ...