A groundbreaking data storage technology could preserve an entire human genome in a tiny 5D memory crystal. Developed by ...
A decades-long NIH-backed effort to map the human genome has advanced our understanding of genetic risk factors and human ...
With the flurry of media attention surrounding the race to sequence the genome, it often seems as if the myriad genome facts and news items floating around could fill up a couple of telephone books.
A new resource from the Gene Ontology Consortium, a comprehensive encyclopedia of the known functions of all protein-coding ...
Although it is currently not possible to synthetically recreate humans, plants, or animals from genetic data, there has been ...
Two new landmark studies show how a seeming tangle of DNA is actually organized into a structure that coordinates thousands ...
Researchers led by electrical engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a better way to perform the comparative analysis of entire genomes ... of evolutionary histories across ...