EU:n ulkoministerikokoukseen saapunut Elina Valtonen (kok.) sanoo, että Eurooppa haluaa hyvän ja syvän transatlanttisen suhteen jatkuvan. Hänen mukaansa Euroopan tulee vahvistaa omaa puolustustaan, ...
Finland will definitely be part of any "coalition of the willing" that could help support Ukraine's security, Foreign ...
"If a state is behind it, it will be perceived as an attack on a democratically free society," said the country's foreign minister, Elina Valtonen. Finland and Germany reported on Monday that the ...
Kokoukseen saapunut Suomen ulkoministeri Elina Valtonen (kok) korosti, että sanktioiden on jatkuttava. Valtonen sanoi, että Euroopalla on osuutensa Ukrainan rauhanteossa eikä Euroopan puolesta voi ...
During her visit to Berlin, Elina Valtonen, Finland's Minister of Foreign ... Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden who came to the German capital to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ...
LONDON (Reuters) - Finland will definitely be part of any "coalition of the willing" that could help support Ukraine's security, Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen told Britain's Times Radio on ...
Foreign Minister Elina Valtonen told Britain's Times Radio on Wednesday. Earlier this month, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said Britain, France and some other nations would form a coalition ...