Abstract: Multiple autonomous underwater vehicles (multi-AUVs) can cooperatively accomplish tasks that a single AUV cannot complete. Recently, multi-agent reinforcement learning has been introduced to ...
The HUGIN Superior AUV system has successfully completed acceptance testing conducted by the Defense Innovation Unit and the U.S. Navy. Only one year after being awarded a 24-month frame contract for ...
Kongsberg Discovery has completed acceptance testing of a HUGIN Superior Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) system for the Defense Innovation Unit and U.S. Navy. The company completed acceptance ...
The latest issue of Marine Technology Reporter magazine also highlights AI developments, this time for subsea vehicles including Beam’s Scout, an AI-powered AUV designed to independently perform ...
You can also read more about the build system in the Waf Book. waf should always be called from the locally cloned ardupilot root directory for the local branch you are trying to build from. There are ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.