Neeraj Chopra wore a stylish yet affordable Swatch watch during his wedding to Himani Mor. Discover the brand, price, and ...
Contrary to popular perception, Uttarakhand will not be the first, but the second state in the country with a UCC.
Imagine standing on a crowded metro, headphones plugged in, your thoughts racing between the deadlines at work and the ...
According to reports, Bhaker’s relatives were traveling on a two-wheeler when it collided with a car. The driver of the car ...
"I think it reflects an inclusive society, not just in terms of marriage, but also in our beliefs, cultures, and religious," he tells the BBC. "We embrace everyone who's different." Thailand is ...
When Thailand's long-awaited equal marriage law came into effect on Thursday, police officer Pisit "Kew" Sirihirunchai hoped to be among the first in line to marry his long-term partner Chanatip ...
CBSE Class 12 History Pre-Board Sample Paper: Schools conduct pre-board examinations for students to check their level of preparedness for the final exam. Pre-board exams are a great way to check ...
Being an ancient religion Hinduism now is plagued with many wrong and false ideas about it These probably arose over time ...