Jesus, after his Passion ... This assistance from the Lord by the power of his Spirit is meant to lead the sick person to healing of the soul, but also of the body if such is God’s will ...
For the people of Jesus’ time, there was not much of a distinction between physical and spiritual healing. We modern people often relegate physical healing to medical professionals, and ...
Trust that when you lift your prayer with sincere faith, God's power works miracles in the midst of adversity.
That is why so many sick people come here to Lourdes, to quench their thirst at the "spring of love" and to let themselves be led to the sole source of salvation, her son Jesus the Savior.
After Dad’s healing, my parents, my sister and I, and roughly half of Dad’s congregation converted from Baptists into faith-healing Pentecostals. We had no doubt that if you were sick, you could ...
Linda Kumar is hurting but hopeful.And though she has good reason to complain, the lifelong Catholic and St. Bernadette ...
But what I’m saying is not merely that King and many lesser-known activists were Christians whose efforts were motivated by their faith in Jesus ... he heals the sick, raises the dead, and ...
We learn in Sacred Scripture that Saint Paul suffered from a nameless illness, perhaps malaria or a debilitating eye disorder ...
Mark 5:25-26 As soon as this woman heard about Jesus, she wanted to go to Him. Why? She had surely heard that Jesus heals the sick. She came to Jesus despite the fact that no doctor had been able to ...