“Tot mom” Casey Anthony has parted ways with her married boyfriend — and the notorious former murder defendant is telling friends that she simply “grew tired” of the relationship.
Judge Belvin Perry, the trial judge for Casey Anthony, joins Court TV to compare her case with Megan Boswell's case.
F--- the Haters' Producer of Casey Anthony's Peacock Interview Believes Her Grief Was 'Genuine' Casey Anthony's Father Is 'Outraged and Appalled' at Allegations of Molestation: 'He Denies It All ...
There’s a lot of similarities,” Casey Anthony’s attorney said. “A beautiful baby found dead. The question is who, where, when ...
A Florida man accused of making “violent” threats against President Trump is a well-known comedy drag queen who counts notorious “tot mom” Casey Anthony among his close friends.
Casey Anthony's Parents: The Lie Detector Test' premieres Thursday, Jan. 4 on A&E. Cindy Anthony gets upset with producers and storms out. 'Casey Anthony's Parents: The Lie Detector Test' airs ...