«Todo ecologismo no compatible con la mejora material de las condiciones de vida de la gente debe tener el más absoluto ...
Intendente de Canelones y futuro titular de la Unasev, Marcelo Metediera, considera que hay que establecer penas "más severas" para personas que conducen con libretas falsas; las ofrecen en la platafo ...
El Referéndum de independencia de Ucrania se llevó a cabo el 1 de diciembre de 1991, convocado por la Rada Suprema para ...
Un comité mixto conformado por juntas escolares, vecinos y personal edil, controla el cumplimiento del pasaje diferenciado.
'En mi generación la igualdad estaba extendida, tenías que ser independiente, estudiar, buscarte la vida... era lo que veías ...
Little Havana's largest block party was happening on Sunday. The Calle Ocho Festival in Miami creates a melting pot of culture and cuisine. Calle Ocho is expected to bring 1,000,000 people to this ...
Take a look at festival-goers enjoying the 2025 edition: Accompanied by other festival goers, Steven Bartumeu, center, takes ...
The Kiwanis Club of Little Havana’s Carnaval Miami has come to define Miami in a way few festive events can manage. Since its ...
Miami’s biggest street party took over Little Havana as thousands filled Calle Ocho for a day of music, food, and culture. The<a class="excerpt-read-more" href=" More ...
The Latin music phenom born José Ángel López Martínez hit it big at the ripe age of 16 with his breakup anthem “Ahora Estoy ...
Police officers expect about a million people to take over 15 blocks and surround seven stages during The Calle Ocho Music ...
The Calle Ocho Street Festival will take over SW 8th Street on Sunday, bringing a day of Hispanic culture, music and food<a ...