Bumble Bee SOLID WHITE tuna, is neither SOLID nor WHITE ... The product has been so boiled down. No flavor except salty water remains. Fix texture is tough like shredded paper.
Then you might be excited to learn that there is still a chance to snag the Bumble Bee Tuna ... of getting a tuna treat for the holidays. It has been fun and a way to learn about flavors that ...
Imagine a merry mosaic of Bumble Bee® Tuna Pouches (2.5 oz. each) — 10 flavors offering a delectable flavor from the sea. Plus two Bumble Bee® “Snack on the Run!” Tuna Salad kits ...
Bumble Bee SOLID WHITE tuna, is neither SOLID nor WHITE ... The product has been so boiled down. No flavor except salty water remains. Fix texture is tough like shredded paper.