She said: "I'm also a big believer in doing a brain dump earlier in the evening – jotting down any racing thoughts well before bedtime so they don’t pop up just as you’re trying to relax." ...
Today, I’m sharing seven simple evening habits that have transformed both my productivity and happiness. Let’s dive in.
If you struggle to turn your brain off at night, you’re not alone. Many people with ADHD find that falling and staying asleep ...
Since sleep is a crucial factor in maintaining your physical and mental health, I’ve been committed to perfecting my ...
Therapists say more of their clients are using ChatGPT for advice. It works best for journal prompts and concrete questions, ...
If there are usually sparks flying off your cutlery because you eat so quickly, slow it down by setting your knife and fork ...
Discover how daily rituals can clear mental fog fast by reducing decision fatigue, regulating stress, and strengthening focus ...
That salt is pleasant enough up front, and it sticks around long enough to avoid the seasoning issue that plagued some of Go ...
How we eat is just as important as what we eat. If we eat on the go, at our desks, or in a rush, our brain is not telling our belly that food is on its way, so our digestion is going to be less ...
Did you know that every night, as you sleep, your brain dumps a whole bunch of waste into your neck? Your brain essentially washes itself as you sleep through something called the lymphatic system.